RT Article T1 Examining Prisoner Misconduct: a Multilevel Test Using Personal Characteristics, Prison Climate, and Prison Environment JF Crime & delinquency VO 66 IS 4 SP 451 OP 484 A1 Bosma, Anouk 1985- A2 Ginneken, Esther F. J. C. van 1987- A2 Palmen, Hanneke A2 Sentse, Miranda LA English YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1693115999 AB The aim of the current study was to examine if prisoner characteristics (personal characteristics and prison climate) and prison environment were related to prisoner misconduct, using data from a nationwide prospective cohort study examining the experience of prison climate in the Netherlands (N = 4,427). The results indicated that both personal characteristics and certain (social) domains of prison climate, such as the quality of staff-prisoner relationships, were related to prisoner misconduct, as well as prison regime. Furthermore, it was shown that registration data, which underestimate misconduct, may be (more than self-reported data) influenced by unit-level factors, such as regime characteristics. When using registration data, it is therefore particularly important to properly control for unit-level influences. K1 Prison climate K1 |sMisconduct K1 Import and deprivation model K1 Registration data K1 Self-report data DO 10.1177/0011128719877347