RT Book T1 The Second Amendment and gun control: freedom, fear, and the American Constitution T2 Controversies in American constitutional law A2 Yuill, Kevin L. 1962- A2 Street, Joe A2 Cornell, Saul A2 DeBrabander, Firmin 1971- A2 Jones, Karen R. 1972- LA English PP London New York PB Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group YR 2019 ED First issued in paperback UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1692649663 AB Constitutional mythology and the future of Second Amendment jurisprudence after Heller / Saul Cornell -- The Second Amendment right to self-defence : the core freedom in the new century / Joyce Lee Malcolm -- Annie get your gun : women, performance, and the Western heroine / Karen Jones -- "A gun is a gun is anyone's hand" : shooting the gang girl in mi vida loca / Emma Horrex -- "The thought of a black male with a weapon scares America" : African Americans, the Second Amendment, and the racial politics of armed self-defense in the Civil Rights Era and beyond / Simon Wendt and Rebecca Rössling -- From virtuous armed citizen to "cramped little risk-fearing man" : the meaning of firearms in an insecure era / Kevin Yuill -- Gun rights and the rule of law / Firmin Debrabander -- To endure for all time or to change with the times? the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment / Emma Long -- Mr. Gingrich's bequest : globalising the Second Amendment? / Peter Squires -- The universal right of self-defense, and the auxiliary right to defensive arms / David B. Kopel NO Includes bibliographical references and index NO Acknowledgements: "The idea for this book came form al Firearms and Freedom Conferenceheld on 11 June 2015 at the Eclles Centre for American Studies in the British Library, London, England." CN KF3941 SN 9780367887476 K1 United States : Constitution : 2nd Amendment K1 United States K1 gun control : United States K1 Firearms : Law and legislation : United States K1 Konferenzschrift : 2015 : London K1 USA : Feuerwaffe : Waffenbesitz : Waffenrecht