RT Book T1 Examining crime and justice around the world T2 Global viewpoints A1 Stamatel, Janet P. LA English PP Santa Barbara, California Denver, Colorado PB ABC-CLIO, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC YR 2021 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1692206036 AB "A thorough and timely investigation of both well-established and emerging crime and punishment issues, this book provides readers with compelling examples of how different countries around the world confront these problems"-- NO Hier auch später erschienene unveränderte Nachdrucke NO Literaturverzeichnis Seite 333-334, Literaturhinweise, Index CN HV6025 SN 9781440860591 K1 Crime : Cross-cultural studies K1 Criminal justice, Administration of : Cross-cultural studies K1 Criminal Behavior : Cross-cultural studies K1 Punishment : Cross-cultural studies K1 Kriminalität : Kriminalpolitik : Strafjustiz : Internationaler Vergleich