RT Article T1 State of the Art in Agent-Based Modeling of Urban Crime: An Overview JF Journal of quantitative criminology VO 35 IS 1 SP 155 OP 193 A1 Groff, Elizabeth A2 Johnson, Shane D. 1971- A2 Thornton, Amy LA English YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1691504394 AB Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a type of computer simulation that creates a virtual society and allows controlled experimentation. ABM has the potential to be a powerful tool for exploring criminological theory and testing the plausibility of crime prevention interventions when data are unavailable, when they would be unethical to collect, or when policy-makers need an answer quickly. This paper takes stock of the current literature to discuss the potential contributions of ABM, assess current practice, identify shortcomings that threaten the validity of findings using ABM, and to make suggestions regarding the construction and communication of future work using ABM. K1 Model documentation K1 Urban Crime K1 Strengthening criminological theory K1 Agent-based modeling K1 Urban crime DO 10.1007/s10940-018-9376-y