RT Book T1 Space, time, and crime A1 Hart, Timothy C. A2 Lersch, Kim Michelle A2 Chataway, Michael LA English PP Durham, North Carolina PB Carolina Academic Press YR 2020 ED Fifth edition UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1689826150 AB "This book provides a basic overview of the more popular theories that have been used to explain the concentration of crime in certain places and times. Each theory is carefully and clearly developed from its historical roots to contemporary applications, with solid research cited throughout the discussions. The reader is then moved from theory into practice, where a summary and critique of a number of various theoretically-driven practical policy applications are presented. The basic elements of crime analysis and crime mapping, both very popular crime fighting tools for police agencies and place managers, are presented. Finally, the book closes with a strong Marxist-based critique of the various theories, policies, and tools, leaving the reader with some troubling questions to ponder"-- NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 391-418 NO Kim Michelle Lersch appears as the first named author on earlier editions NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6150 SN 9781531015404 K1 Criminology K1 Crime : Sociological aspects K1 Spatial behavior K1 Crime : United States K1 Crime analysis : United States K1 Crime Prevention K1 Kriminalgeografie : Kriminalsoziologie