RT Book T1 When religion kills: how extremists justify violence through faith A1 Gurski, Phil LA English PP Boulder London PB Lynne Rienner Publishers YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1689689110 AB Christian fundamentalists. Hindu nationalists. Islamic jihadists. Buddhist militants. Jewish extremists. Members of these and other religious groups have committed horrific acts of terrorist violence in recent decades. How is this possible? How do individuals use their religious beliefs to justify such actions? How do they manipulate the language and symbols of their faith to motivate others to commit violence in the name of the divine? Phil Gurski addresses these essential questions as he explores violent extremism across a broad range of the world's major religions. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 153-176. Register CN BL65.V55 SN 9781626378483 SN 1626378487 K1 Violence : Religious aspects K1 Religious Fanaticism K1 Radicalism : Religious aspects K1 Violence ; Religious aspects K1 Fundamentalismus : Fanatismus : Gewalt : Terrorismus