RT Book T1 Men, masculinities and honour-based abuse T2 A GlassHouse book A2 Idriss, Mohammad Mazher LA English PP Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY PB Routledge YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1689344385 AB "This book explores the largely neglected relationship between men, masculinities and honour-based abuse (HBA). There is a common misconception that HBA - whether physical violence, emotional abuse or so-called 'honour' killings - occurs only against women. This book addresses the gap in the current literature concerning the relationship between men, masculinities and HBA. With contributions from an international and interdisciplinary range of both academics and professionals, the book examines HBA and forced marriages specifically from male-victim perspectives, both in the UK and internationally. Providing a clear understanding of the main theoretical and sociological explanations of HBA against male victims, the book demonstrates that, although men are indeed the main perpetrators of HBA, state agencies must address the fact that many men are also victims. This book is essential reading for students, academics, and practitioners alike"-- NO Literaturangaben und Index CN HV6250.4.M45 SN 9780367204440 K1 Men : Crimes against : Great Britain K1 Men : Violence against : Great Britain K1 Southeast Asians : Great Britain K1 Masculinity K1 Honor K1 honor killings K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Großbritannien : Südasiaten : Familienehre : Gewalttätigkeit : Zwangsheirat : Ehrenmord : Mann : Verbrechensopfer