RT Book T1 Policing and politicising organised crime T2 Routledge studies in crime, security and justice A1 Mann, Monique LA English PP London New York PB Routledge YR 2020 ED 1 edition UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1687473250 AB Contexts, constructs and contestations -- The origins of organised crime -- Metaphors, monsters and moral entrepreneurs -- The politics of organised crime -- Organised crime and global (in)security -- Infrastructures, empires and enterprises -- The architecture of organised crime law -- The organised crime policing and intelligence enterprise -- Organised crime and onwards -- Epilogue: reflections and further considerations. NO Enthält Literaturangaben und einen Index SN 9781315158730 K1 Organized Crime K1 Crime Prevention K1 Criminal justice, Administration of K1 Electronic books K1 Social Science / Criminology DO 10.4324/9781315158730