RT Article T1 Personality and victimization in the Americas JF International review of victimology VO 24 IS 1 SP 123 OP 139 A1 Cawvey, Matthew A2 Hayes, Matthew A2 Canache, Damarys LA English YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1686162103 AB Victimization is associated with traumatic harm, bringing inherent importance to efforts to understand why victimization occurs. Past research has shown that economic and demographic factors affect the probability that individuals will experience bribery, crime, and discrimination. We build on this foundation by arguing that a fuller account of victimization must include the impact of differences in personality. To test our hypotheses, we utilize survey data from 22 nations in the Americas. Results show that openness and extraversion increase the probability of victimization and agreeableness decreases it. K1 Personality K1 Big Five K1 Bribery K1 Crime K1 Discrimination DO 10.1177/0269758017727345