RT Book T1 Jailcare: finding the safety net for women behind bars A1 Sufrin, Carolyn 1975- LA English PP Oakland, California PB University of California Press YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1686040563 AB Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Part I -- 1. Institutional Burden to Care -- 2. Triaging the Everyday, Every Day -- 3. Cultivating Ambiguity: Normalizing Care in the Jail Clinic -- 4. The Clinic Routine: Contradictions as Care -- Part II -- 5. Gestating Care: Incarcerated Reproduction as Participatory Practice -- 6. Reproduction and Carceral Desire -- 7. Custody as Forced and Enforced Intimacy -- 8. At Home in Jail -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index AB Thousands of pregnant women pass through our nation’s jails every year. What happens to them as they carry their pregnancies in a space of punishment? In this time when the public safety net is frayed, incarceration has become a central and racialized strategy for managing the poor. Using her ethnographic fieldwork and clinical work as an ob-gyn in a women’s jail, Carolyn Sufrin explores how jail has, paradoxically, become a place where women can find care. Focusing on the experiences of incarcerated pregnant women as well as on the practices of the jail guards and health providers who care for them, Jailcare describes the contradictory ways that care and maternal identity emerge within a punitive space presumed to be devoid of care. Sufrin argues that jail is not simply a disciplinary institution that serves to punish. Rather, when understood in the context of the poverty, addiction, violence, and racial oppression that characterize these women’s lives and their reproduction, jail can become a safety net for women on the margins of society CN HV8738 SN 9780520963559 K1 Women Prisoners : Medical care : California : San Francisco K1 Pregnant women : Medical care : California : San Francisco K1 Reproductive health services : California : San Francisco K1 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural & Social K1 anthropology K1 ethnography K1 families of imprisoned moms K1 imprisoned mother K1 judges K1 juries K1 lawyers K1 maternal identity K1 maternity ward K1 moms and convicts K1 obgyn K1 pregnancy and prison K1 pregnant incarcerated mothers K1 pregnant women K1 prison guards K1 sociology K1 womens jail K1 San Francisco, Calif. : Frauengefängnis : Medizinische Versorgung DO 10.1525/9780520963559