RT Article T1 How can police agencies implement community policing?: Create specialized units! JF International journal of law, crime and justice VO 52 SP 144 OP 154 A1 Namgung, Hyon LA English YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1682032612 AB Community policing is arguably one of the most discussed and researched topic in policing. Since 1970s, police agencies around the globe embraced the idea of community policing and tried to implement this new approach within their jurisdictions. Although it has been difficult to reach a consensus on the definition of community policing (Rosenbaum, 1994), many elected politicians and police leaders have not been hesitant to claim that their local governments or police departments are developing or implementing community policing programs for their people. Specifically, since American cities have recently witnessed numerous high profile cases of police use of lethal force, community members strongly argue that police agencies need to implement community policing as a part of solutions to the problems. K1 Community policing K1 Crime prevention DO 10.1016/j.ijlcj.2017.11.002