RT Article T1 Does gender affect the number and type of charges laid in intimate partner violence cases? JF The British journal of criminology VO 59 IS 6 SP 1347 OP 1369 A1 Bader, Danielle A1 Dawson, Myrna A1 Walters, David LA English YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1677846704 AB Pro-charging policies were implemented in Canada in the 1980s to denounce intimate partner violence (IPV). Since pro-charging policies were implemented, the proportion of men charged remains higher than women charged; however, the proportion of women charged increased dramatically. Little is known about the gendered differences in charging decisions in IPV cases. Utilizing a sample of 1,708 accused charged in IPV cases, logistic regression was employed to examine the influence of accused gender on the number of charges laid and the type of primary offence accused were charged with. The findings reveal there are differences between male- and female-perpetrated violence or responses to their violence, requiring more investigation. K1 Charging K1 Accused gender K1 Intimate partner violence DO 10.1093/bjc/azz021