RT Article
T1 History of privatized corrections
JF Criminology & public policy
VO 18
IS 2
SP 241
OP 267
A1 Harding, Richard W. 1939-
A2 Rynne, John
A2 Thomsen, Lisa
LA English
YR 2019
UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1667516426
AB In this historical review of prison privatization, we identify interconnected events in the UnitedStates, Australia, and the United Kingdom and their dis-tinctiveness from other nations. The political and economic catalysts for the post-1980 reemergence of privatization arealso analyzed. Privatization exists on a continuum fromancillary service delivery to full custodial operations and management. As privatization seems to have lost some ofits momentum, it is unclear whether its advent has produced the intended system-wide improvements.
K1 Prisons’ research
K1 Private prisons
K1 Privatization history
K1 Privatgefängnisse
K1 Gefängnisprivatisierung
K1 Geschichte
K1 Gefängniskunde
K1 Gefängnisforschung
DO 10.1111/1745-9133.12426