RT Article T1 Repressing organized crime in Italy: recent developments and shortcomings in substantive criminal law JF Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft VO 129 IS 4 SP 1156 OP 1184 A1 Panebianco, Giuseppina LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1662409257 AB The expression “organized crime” cannot be found in the Italian Criminal Code (CC), whereas it appears in the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP)2 and in other laws (e.g. Law no. 354/1975 on the Penitentiary System). The Italian Criminal Code provides for the crime of associazione per delinquere (an association formed to commit crimes)3. More specifically, Italian criminal law provides for a general model fact situation in article 416 CC which shares some similarities with article 129 of the German Criminal Code K1 Verfolgung krimineller Vereinigungen K1 Italien K1 Mafia K1 Bildung krimineller Vereinigungen K1 Organisierte Kriminalität DO 10.1515/zstw-2017-0053