RT Book T1 The search for victims of enforced disappearance: how the human rights obligation to search can be sucessfully implemented T2 Information JF Information A1 Schulz, Christiane 1966- LA English PP Berlin PB Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1656007517 AB The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance obliges contracting State Parties to search for disappeared persons. An investigation has to be conducted into the location and circumstances of their disappearance and, in the event of their death, their remains identified and returned to their family. In many places, this search proves difficult in practice, and often the political will and/or the technical means for such a search are lacking. In such cases, international urgent actions can support those affected in the search for disappeared persons. NO Gesehen am 17.09.2019 K1 Zivilschutz K1 Recht K1 Regelung K1 Internationales Abkommen K1 Rechtsanwendung K1 Menschenrechte K1 Opfer K1 Familienangehöriger K1 Beteiligung K1 Internationale Zusammenarbeit K1 Strafverfolgung K1 Uno K1 Verschwundener K1 Suche K1 Identifizierung