RT Book T1 Human smuggling networks operating between Middle East and the European Union: evidence from Iranian, Iraqi and Afghani migrants in the Netherlands = Netzwerke des Menschenschmuggels zwischen dem Mittleren Osten und der Europäischen Union: Belege von iranischen, irakischen und afghanischen Migranten in den Niederlanden T2 COMCAD Working Papers A1 Bilecen, Basak LA English PP Bielefeld PB [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] YR 2009 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1656006405 AB "Due to its challenging nature of traditional perspectives, human smuggling is always on the agenda of decision makers, politicians, media and academia. This article focuses on human smuggling between Middle East into the European Union, especially the Netherlands. Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are the chosen countries from the region since there are increasing numbers of asylum seekers in Europe. The article briefly looks at different perspectives in the literature and then concentrates on the involvement of transnational organized crime in the process of human smuggling. Then it will try to analyze organized crime perspective by network analysis." (author's abstract) K1 Menschenhandel K1 Schmuggel K1 Nahost K1 EU K1 Niederlande K1 Iran K1 Irak K1 Afghanistan K1 Organisierte Kriminalität K1 Migration K1 Asylbewerber K1 Netzwerk K1 Illegale Einwanderung K1 Entwicklungsland K1 Arabische Länder K1 Südasien