RT Book T1 Evaluating drug prevention in the European Union: papers arising from the First European Conference on the Evaluation of Drug Prevention held in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 - 14 march 1997 T2 EMCDDA scientific monograph series JF EMCDDA scientific monograph series A2 Baker, Oswin LA English PP Luxemburg PB Office for Official Publications of the European Communities YR 1998 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1655662805 AB Preventing drug use is a universal challenge and identifying approaches that work, and why they work, is a specific objective for drug professionals and evaluators. This monograph focuses on the ideology of prevention in Europe. In particular, it presents arguments for making evaluation a routine and scientifically sound procedure that draws on good practice and proven methodology. The volume includes a broad overview of the history and status of prevention activities and their evaluation in Europe and the US, as well as an introduction to the theoretical foundations of evaluation. Also reviewed are the most commonly encountered evaluation methods, instruments, problems and obstacles and the diversity and complexity of evaluation models. The monograph explores how drug professionals can interest politicians in evaluation and how evaluation can stimulate the allocation of funds. CN 360 610 K1 Europäische Union K1 Drogenmissbrauch K1 Prävention K1 Konferenzschrift DO 10.15496/publikation-23194