RT Book T1 Tackling domestic violence in the EU - Policies & practices T2 Thematic paper JF Thematic paper A1 Wijckmans, Belinda A2 Vanhauwaert, Rosita LA English PP Brussels PB EUCPN Secretariat YR 2013 ED December 2013 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1655385399 AB This thematic paper is a general introduction to the theme of domestic violence and violence against women. It is written in the framework of the fourth EUCPN Toolbox1. The paper builds on existing research and provides information on how legislative and policy measures are developed in the EU and its Member States to prevent and combat domestic violence against women. It includes the legislative and policy measures which set the framework in which national and local actors (NGOs, civil society, government administrations,…) need to work. At the same time, it wants to highlight the important work which is being done by other European organizations, such as the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the Women against Violence Europe (WAVE). The paper is primarily written for local policy-makers and practitioners who may be confronted with these issues in their daily work. K1 Europäische Union K1 Häusliche Gewalt DO 10.15496/publikation-23059