RT Book T1 The rights of children: emergent concepts in law and society A2 Wilkerson, Albert E. 1928- A2 Polier, Wise LA English PP Philadelphia PB Temple University Press YR 1973 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1652070001 AB United Nations Declaration of the rights of the child.--Coughlin, B. J. The rights of children.--Forer, L. G. Rights of children.--Drinan, R. F. The rights of children in modern American family law.--Louisell, D. W. Abortion, the practice of medicine and the due process of law.--Biskind, E. L. Legitimacy of children born by artificial insemination.--Weissman, I. Guardianship.--Andell, E. G. A minor has an absolute right to sue his parent for a negligent tort.--Cox, E. T. Indigent children and fiscal clearing.--Arthur, L. G. Should children be as equal as people?--Krause, H. D. The bastard finds his father.--Du Fresne, E. J. The rights of foster children to financial benefits of foster parents under Federal statutes.--Shepherd, R. E. The abused child and the law.--Coyne, T. A. Who will speak for the child?--Kubie, L. S. Provisions for the care of children of divorced parents.--Keith-Lucas, A. "Speaking for the child."--Levine, D. N. Child custody.--Hansen, R. W. Guardians ad litem in divorce and custody cases.--Katz, S. N. Foster parents versus agencies.--Wilkerson, A. E. and Kroeker, O. D. The role of the social worker in family court decision-making.--Stansby, J. F. In re Gault: children are people.--Wilkerson, A. E. Children's rights NO Includes bibliographical references NO 22 Beiträge verschiedener Verfasser CN HQ789 SN 0877220522 K1 Children's rights K1 USA : Kind : Recht