RT Article T1 Courts, cabinet and coalition parties: The politics of euthanasia in a parliamentary setting JF British journal of political science VO 27 IS 4 SP 551 OP 571 A1 Steunenberg, Bernard LA English YR 1997 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1644920522 AB An analysis is made of the interaction between the legislature and the judiciary in the Dutch parliamentary setting, focusing in particular on the issue of euthanasia. Using the methodology of positive political theory, two alternative hypotheses are derived about the extent to which the courts may affect public policies. Two main conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of the decision-making process on euthanasia. First, the statutory interpretation the courts gave on euthanasia in the 1980s supports the hypothesis of the court as a policy advocate, not a policy conserver. Secondly, the fact that the courts were able to introduce and maintain a more liberal interpretation of euthanasia during the last decade can be explained as a consequence of the heterogenous preferences on this issue held by the political parties that formed the successive governing coalitions. (British Journal of Political Science / FUB) K1 Gesetzgebung K1 Politische Entscheidung K1 Entscheidungsprozess K1 Parlament K1 Politische Führung K1 Gericht K1 Einflussnahme K1 Regierungspartei K1 Regierung K1 Niederlande K1 England K1 Euthanasie