RT Book T1 Cyber-risk and youth: digital citizenship, privacy, and surveillance T2 Routledge studies in crime and society A1 Adorjan, Michael A2 Ricciardelli, Rose 1979- LA English PP London New York PB Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1643714619 AB Introduction -- Research focus and methodology -- Teens online : what and why -- Youth attitudes and experiences towards parental and school surveillance -- Relational aggression -- Privacy mindsets -- Gender, sexting and the teenaged years -- Policies, practices and concluding thoughts NO Literaturangaben CN HQ799.9.I58 SN 9781138067387 K1 Internet and youth K1 Privacy, Right of K1 Computer crimes : Prevention K1 Internetkriminalität : Cyber-Mobbing : Jugend : Prävention : Privatsphäre : Risikobewusstsein K1 Jugend : Internet : Kriminalität : Privatsphäre