RT Book T1 International case studies of terrorist rehabilitation T2 Routledge studies in the politics of disorder and instability A2 Gunaratna, Rohan 1961- A2 Hussin, Sabariah LA English PP London New York PB Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1641093811 AB "The post 9/11 era has produced structured rehabilitation programs in a wide range of countries including Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Pakistan, Malaysia, Egypt, Iraq, and Uzbekistan. There are also ad hoc and emerging programs in Nigeria, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom and Nepal. Due to the threat from global Islamist terrorist groups, including Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS), the focus has tended to be on Islamist groups. However, Sri Lanka also has a multi-faceted rehabilitation program that was created after the ethno-nationalist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) group was defeated in 2009, which can teach us some valuable lessons. This book consists of a series of case studies of different terrorist rehabilitation initiatives that have been attempted around the world. Each initiative is critically analysed to develop a sound understanding of the significance of different approaches and strategies of terrorist rehabilitation in helping potential terrorists integrate back into society. Sharing and examining case studies, both by practitioners and scholars, this book provides vital tools to address the challenges faced by practitioners of terrorist rehabilitation programs"-- AB Countering violent extremism : what Pakistan can learn from Singapore's experience? / Abdul Basit -- Denmark's de-radicalisation programme / Ahmad Saiful Rijal bin Hassan -- De-radicalisation initiatives in Saudi Arabia / Marcin Styzynski -- Militant revisionism in Egypt : the case of al-Gamaaa al-Islamiyya and al-Jihad al-Islami / Mohamed b. Ali -- Iraq : a challenging terrorist rehabilitation / Sabariah Hussin -- Managing recidivism : a vision for terrorist rehabilitation in Bangladesh / Iftekharul Bashar -- Model of de-radicalisation in Malaysia / Mohd. Mizan Aslam -- Nigeria's past and present efforts at rehabilitation and reintegration / Chidinma Jennifer Ogbogu -- Rehabilitation of terrorist & extremist : an overview of Uzbekistan's experience / Nodirbek Soliev -- Sri Lanka rehabilitation program and beyond / Malkanthi Hettiarachchi -- The process of change in the rehabilitation of violent extremists : the Singapore experience / Hu Weiying -- German approaches to counter violent Islamist extremism / Inga K. Trauthig -- Winning the hearts of the people : terrorist rehabilitation in China / Zhou Zunyou NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6431 SN 9781138604520 K1 Terrorists : Case studies : Rehabilitation K1 Terrorism : Case studies : Prevention K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Terrorismus : Terrorist : Radikalisierung : Bekämpfung : Rehabilitation : Resozialisierung : Internationaler Vergleich