RT Book
T1 The social dynamics of family violence
A1 Hattery, Angela 1966-
A2 Smith, Earl 1946-
LA English
PP Boulder, CO
PB Westview Press
YR 2017
ED Second edition
UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1641092564
AB "This compelling text explores family violence throughout the life course, from child abuse and neglect to intimate partner violence and elder abuse. Paying special attention to the social character and institutional causes of family violence, Hattery and Smith ask students to consider how social inequality, especially gender inequality, contributes to tensions and explosive tendencies in family settings. Students learn about individual preventative measures and are also invited to question the justice of our current social structure, with implications for social policy and reorganization. The second edition features a new chapter focusing on institutionalized violence affecting families of the military and police, as well as a discussion on sports and sexual abuse cases occurring on college campuses. Hattery and Smith also examine violence against women globally and relate this to violence in the United States. Unique coverage of same-sex and multicultural couples, as well as of theory and methods, make this text an essential element of any course considering the sociology of family violence"--
AB Machine generated contents note: 1. Social Dynamics of Family Violence: Setting the Stage -- 2. Historical Perspectives on Family Violence -- 3. Theories for Studying Family Violence -- 4. Methods for Studying Family Violence -- 5. Abuse Across the Life Course: Elder Abuse -- 6. Abuse Across the Life Course: Child Abuse -- 7. Outcomes of Child Abuse: Increased Risk for Experiencing Violence in Adulthood -- 8. The Economy and Intimate Partner Violence -- 9. Cultural Factors and Intimate Partner Violence -- 10. Religion and Family Violence -- 11. Institutionalized Violence -- 12. Violence in LGBTQ Families -- 13. Prevention and Avoidance: The Early Warning Signs -- 14. The Response to Family Violence: The Criminal Justice System and the Social Welfare System -- 15. Where Do We Go from Here?
NO Includes bibliographical references and index
CN HV6626
SN 9780813349992
K1 Family Violence : United States
K1 Families : United States
K1 Abused children : United States
K1 Abused women : United States
K1 Family social work : United States
K1 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General
K1 Social Science / Criminology
K1 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / Marriage & Family
K1 Social Science / Violence In Society