RT Article T1 Punishing drugs. Criminal justice and drug use JF The British journal of criminology VO 33 IS 3 SP 382 OP 399 A1 Collison, Mike LA English YR 1993 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640348719 AB Recent government policy and legislation advocates the diversion of drug offenders and drug-using offenders from the criminal justice and penal systems into voluntary and statutory treatment programmes. Harm (from drugs and drug-related crime) reduction should ideally inform enforcement strategies. This article argues, through the use of a local case study in one county in the UK, that during the 1980s large numbers of drug users experienced the strong arm of the law because of the structure (and logic in use) of treatment programmes and court sentencing philosophies and practices. By exploring some of the present routes into, and out of, treatment and on into the prison system it is suggested that the new measures in the Criminal Justice Act 1991 may have only a limited impact on the problems posed for the criminal justice and penal systems by users of Class A drugs because of operative representations of dependency, motivation, and culpability K1 Strafvollzug K1 England K1 Drogenkontrolle K1 Drogenpolitik K1 Drogenstrafrecht K1 Drogentherapie K1 Drogen