RT Article T1 Juvenile-episodic, continued or adult-onset delinquency? Risk conditions analysed in a cohort of children followed up to the age of 25 years JF European journal of criminology VO 2 IS 1 SP 39 OP 66 A2 Lay, Barbara A2 Ihle, Wolfgang 1959- A2 Esser, Günter 1950- A2 Schmidt, Martin H. 1937- LA Undetermined YR 2005 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640327630 K1 Jugendkriminalität K1 Kriminelle Karriere K1 Entwicklung K1 Tätertypologie K1 Verlauf K1 Risikofaktoren K1 Kohortenstudie DO 10.1177/1477370805048629