RT Article T1 Testing international theory: an examination of reciprocal causal relationships among family, school, and delinquency JF The journal of criminal law and criminology VO 82 IS 1 SP 3 OP 35 A2 Thornberry, Terence P. A2 Lizotte, Alan J. A2 Krohn, Marvin D. 1947- A2 Farnworth, Margaret A2 Jang, Sung Joon LA English YR 1991 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/164020606X K1 Familie K1 Schule K1 Verlaufsforschung K1 Täterbefragungen K1 Kontrolltheorie K1 Kriminalität K1 Rochester Youth Development Study K1 Interaktionismus K1 Theorien