RT Article T1 Divergence of European Union and Strasbourg standards on defence rights in criminal proceedings?: Ibrahim and the others v. the UK (13th of September 2016) JF European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice VO 25 IS 4 SP 327 OP 346 A1 Soo, Anneli 1984- LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640201491 K1 European Convention on Human Rights as a minimum standard K1 Article 52 (3) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union K1 Autonomous meaning of EU law K1 Criminal proceedings K1 Violation of the right of access to a lawyer K1 Remedies to violation of the right of access to a lawyer K1 Directive 2013/48/EU