RT Article T1 Drug Testing and Pretrial Misconduct: An Experiment on the Specific Deterrent Effects of Drug Monitoring Defendants on Pretrial Release JF Journal of research in crime and delinquency VO 29 IS 1 SP 62 OP 78 A1 Britt, Chester L. -2016 A2 Gottfredson, Michael R. 1951- A2 Goldkamp, John S. LA English YR 1992 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640131329 AB Presents an experimental data from Pima County and Maricopa County, Arizona, where defendants are assigned to drug monitoring and nonmonitoring groups. Experimental design; How the design of the experimental study in Maricopa was identical to that in Pima; Findings of the experiment; Conclusions K1 Experimentelle Methoden K1 USA K1 Drogentest K1 Haftverschonung DO 10.1177/0022427892029001004