RT Article T1 Deterrence of domestic violence: a critical view of research JF Journal of research in crime and delinquency VO 29 IS 2 SP 229 OP 239 A1 McCord, Joan LA English YR 1992 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640131248 AB The article presents information on deterrence of domestic violence. In Milwaukee, arrest reports and data from hotline records of incidents by the same suspect with any victim supplemented analyses of same victim with same suspect pairs. The possibility of displacement effects has been acknowledged in some of the replication studies. Acknowledgement has involved searching for evidence that a suspect has victimized another "domestic target" within the same jurisdiction. In view of the lack of specialization reported in several studies. Characteristics of victims have been ignored. The victim's education, occupation, and family or emotional resources have been overlooked. Yet work on the durability of domestic arrangements among abused women suggests that these variables arc influential within marital dyads. the characteristics of victims as well as perpetrators. Links between male abusiveness and female attitudes toward victimization, victim perpetration, self-esteem, and disinhibition due to drugs or alcohol should be considered. These may vary in relation to different populations as identified by type of employment, age, education, and ethnicity K1 Polizei K1 Gewalt in der Familie K1 Familiengewalt DO 10.1177/0022427892029002008