RT Article T1 The multiple dimensions of trust in resident/police relations in Boston JF Journal of research in crime and delinquency VO 38 IS 3 SP 226 OP 256 A1 Stoutland, Sara E. LA English YR 2001 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640129685 AB What is it about resident/police relations in poor urban communities that results in many community members' deep distrust in police? This question is addressed by applying a framework of the "four trust questions" to analyze the complexities of community members' perceptions of police and police action aimed at reducing youth violence in Boston's high-crime neighborhoods. To differentiate residents' multiple - and sometimes conflicting - expectations of police, trust is broken down into four questions about priorities, competence, dependability, and respectfulness. Based on more than 50 qualitative interviews with community members, findings reveal that many residents considered the police to meet their expectations of competence and dependability but not of shared priorities or respect. Respect, in particular, was important to residents, although they recognized a tension between police acting competently and respectfully K1 Vertrauen K1 Polizei-Bürger-Verhältnis K1 Polizei K1 Community Policing K1 Einstellung DO 10.1177/0022427801038003002