RT Article T1 Mapping an opportunity surface of residential burglary JF Journal of research in crime and delinquency VO 38 IS 3 SP 257 OP 278 A1 Groff, Elizabeth R. A2 La Vigne, Nancy G. LA English YR 2001 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640129324 AB The use of geographic information systems (GIS) to understand spatial patterns of crime and criminal behavior has become more prevalent in recent years, but with a few exceptions these analyses fall short of serving as predictive tools. The recent introduction of user-friendly, raster-based mapping software, designed primarily for environmental and planning purposes, offers new tools for examining and predicting crime and criminal behavior. By applying opportunity theories to the crime of residential burglary, this article examines the utility of raster-based mapping software for predicting desirable and undesirable locations of burglaries, as well as likely locations for crime displacement or diffusion. The findings reveal that the model holds promise for serving these prediction purposes K1 Kriminalgeographie K1 Geographische Lokalisierung K1 Kriminalität K1 Wohnungseinbruch K1 Tatgelegenheitsstruktur DO 10.1177/0022427801038003003