RT Article T1 Crime and the business cycle in post-war Britain revisited JF The British journal of criminology VO 38 IS 4 SP 681 OP 698 A1 Hale, Chris LA English YR 1998 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640127135 AB The relationships between property crime and the economy are re-examined. The work of Field (1990) and Pyle and Deadman (1994) are reviewed. Whilst both analyses have made substantial contributions to emphasizing the importance of economic factors in determining crime it is argued both have weaknesses. Field ignores the importance of long-run equilibrium relationships whilst errors in the interpretation of Pyle and Deadman lead them to conclude that personal consumption, unemployment and Gross Domestic Product may be used interchangeably. Results are presented which show that personal consumption alone has a long-run equilibrium relationship with property crime. Personal consumption also features in the short-run dynamic models of crime. The long-run effect is interpreted in terms of increased opportunity or availability of targets whilst the short-run result corresponds to a motivational effect. Whilst unemployment has no role in explaining long-run trends in crime it is a factor in explaining short-run fluctuations K1 Arbeitslosigkeit K1 Kriminalität K1 Ökonomik DO 10.1093/bjc/38.4.681