RT Article T1 Descriptive or critical sociology. The choice is yours JF The British journal of criminology VO 37 IS 3 SP 347 OP 358 A1 McConville, Michael 1944- A2 Sanders, Andrew A2 Leng, Roger LA English YR 1997 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640127003 AB Discusses a critique of the book `The Case for the Prosecution,' by author David Smith. Basis of his criticism; Use of `simple Marxist argument'; Examination of how Smith misrepresented the book's arguments and perspectives K1 England K1 Polizei K1 Staatsanwaltschaft K1 Strafverfahren K1 Verdachtsstrategien K1 Fallkonstruktion K1 Prinzipien K1 Ermittlungsverfahren K1 Polizeiliches Ermittlungsverfahren