RT Article T1 Race, Crime and Injustice?: Strip Search and the Treatment of Suspects in Custody JF The British journal of criminology VO 44 IS 5 SP 677 OP 694 A1 Newburn, Tim 1959- A2 Shiner, Michael A2 Hayman, Stephanie LA English YR 2004 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640125736 AB As Britain has become an increasingly diverse society, law enforcement and order maintenance have, almost inevitably, generated sharp conflicts of interest. Police relations with young people in general, lesbians and gay men, and gypsy and traveller groups have all caused concern in recent times. Greatest concern has, however, been reserved for the policing of Britain's black and minority ethnic communities, particularly those of African-Caribbean heritage. While the use of stop and search' has provided a key focus for such concern, less attention has been paid to what happens within the police station - although, historically, this has also been a source of considerable mistrust and tension. In this paper, we focus on a largely unexamined police power - the use of strip search. Using data from a single police station (Kilburn) in north London for the period May 1999 to September 2000, we assess the differential use of strip search with a particular focus on race'. The data suggest that this power is used more frequently in connection with arrestees of African-Caribbean origin than any others - even when other factors, such as age, sex and offence, are controlled for K1 Polizeiliche Maßnahmen K1 Tatverdächtige K1 Polizei-Bürger-Kontakte K1 Rasse K1 Polizeiliche Festnahme K1 Alter K1 Geschlecht K1 Straftaten K1 Fehlverhalten K1 Polizei DO 10.1093/bjc/azh043