RT Article T1 In Proportion: Race, and Police Stop and Search JF The British journal of criminology VO 12 IS 4 SP 889 OP 914 A1 Waddington, Peter A. J. 1947- A2 Stenson, Kevin A2 Don, David LA English YR 2004 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640125337 AB This article examines the view, expressed authoritatively in the Macpherson report 1999, that racial disproportionality in police stop and search is attributable to officers selectively targeting minority groups. The research on which this article is based replicates Home Office research Miller and MVA 2000 that profiled the population available' in public places to be stopped and searched. Using a combination of data sources, this article extends that research in two directions: first, by exploring the issue of visibility and how it has an impact upon decisions to stop and search; and, secondly, by investigating whether disproportionality might arise indirectly from the way in which police direct their efforts in relation to time, place and types of motor vehicle. Finally, we discuss the implications of this research for the concept of institutional racism' K1 Polizeikontrolle K1 Rassendiskriminierung K1 Evaluation K1 Kriminologische Forschung K1 Polizeiintervention DO 10.1093/bjc/azh042