RT Article T1 Against 'Green' Criminology JF The British journal of criminology VO 44 IS 6 SP 833 OP 853 A1 Halsey, Mark LA English YR 2004 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640125027 AB This article offers an overview of recent work on environmental crime and regulation. It demonstrated the majority of such scholarship is imbued by quite problematic ideas concerning how best to envisage the nature of environmental harm and the type of regulatory structures which should be promoted to assist in the amelioration of environmental damage. The article concludes with a very brief discussion of the kinds of theoretical tools which might be used in place of orthodox framings of environmental crime and its prevention K1 Umweltkriminalität K1 Kontrolle K1 Umwelt K1 Kriminologischer Diskurs DO 10.1093/bjc/azh068