RT Article T1 Other targets or other locations? JF The British journal of criminology VO 38 IS 1 SP 61 OP 77 A1 Stangeland, Per LA English YR 1998 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640122354 AB Structural or demographic arrangements in one specific culture form the mentality of their inhabitants, their way of life and, presumably, their crime patterns. This article maintains that residential burglary is complicated and relatively unattractive in a Spanish city. It then analyses two possible forms of alternatives to burglary: a shift towards other targets; street robbery instead of burglary, and towards other locations; breaking into holiday homes in the tourist settlements along the coast. We find empirical support for the first kind of crime shift but not so for the second one. The tourist area is, in fact, very much subject to burglary, but the burglars do not come from the nearby city. Implications of these findings for criminological theory and for crime prevention policy are discussed K1 Spanien K1 Straßenraub K1 Kriminalitätsverdrängung K1 Opferanfälligkeit K1 Situative Kriminalprävention K1 Tourismusgebiete K1 Wohnungseinbruch