RT Article T1 The road to the robbery. Travel patterns in commercial robberies JF The British journal of criminology VO 38 IS 2 SP 230 OP 246 A1 Koppen, Peter J. van A2 Jansen, Robert W. LA English YR 1998 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640121579 AB Previous research suggests that the distance travelled from home to the scene of the crime is related to both the characteristics of the offender and of the offence. In a study on robberies in the Netherlands, the relation between distance travelled and characteristics of robbers and robbery was studied. The data set consisted of robberies for which the perpetrators were convicted in 1992. The cases (434 robberies on commercial targets committed by 585 robbers) were drawn from case files provided by the Dutch police to the courts K1 Raubüberfälle K1 Tatort-Wohnort-Beziehungen K1 Tatorte K1 Drogentäter K1 Kriminalgeographie