RT Article
T1 The limits of the sovereign state. Strategies of crime control in contemporary society
JF The British journal of criminology
VO 36
IS 4
SP 445
OP 471
A1 Garland, David 1955-
LA English
YR 1996
UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640120009
AB The article offers a descriptive analysis of strategies of crime control in contemporary Britain and elsewhere. It argues that the normality of high crime rates and the limitations of criminal justice agencies have created a new predicament for governments. The response to this predicament has been recurring ambivalence that helps explain the volatile and contradictory character of recent crime control policy. The article identifies adaptive strategies responsibilization, defining deviance down, and redefining organizational success and strategies of denial the punitive sovereign response, as well as the different criminologies that accompany them
K1 England
K1 Entkriminalisierung
K1 Kriminalitätskontrolle
K1 Kriminalpolitik
K1 Kriminalprävention
K1 Soziale Kontrolle
K1 Sozialer Wandel
K1 Polizeiliche Kriminalprävention
K1 Wandlungen
K1 Punitivität
K1 Kriminalität
K1 Kriminalitätsbegriff