RT Article T1 Moral values, social trust and inequality JF The British journal of criminology VO 41 IS 2 SP 236 OP 251 A1 Halpern, David LA English YR 2001 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640119159 AB Cross-national social attitude data from the World Values Surveys (1981-1983, 1990) were analysed to explore whether values can explain' crime. Mirroring patterns of offending and in contrast to other values, tolerance for a sub-group of materially self-interested attitudes were found to be significantly higher in men, younger people, larger cities, and had increased over time. These self-interested values were also found to be associated with victimization rates at the national level as measured by the International Crime Victimisation Surveys. Multivariate models incorporating self-interested values, economic inequality, social trust and the interaction between these variables explained two-thirds of variance in victimization at the national level. Implications and contrast with the previous literature are discussed K1 Werte K1 Kriminalität K1 Soziale Ungleichheit K1 Moral DO 10.1093/bjc/41.2.236