RT Article T1 Adolescent sexual offenders grown up JF Criminal justice and behavior VO 25 IS 1 SP 109 OP 124 A1 Sipe, Ron A2 Jensen, Eric L. 1946- A2 Everett, Ronald S. LA English YR 1998 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640112537 AB The objective of this study was to compare the recidivism rates of juvenile sexual offenders with those of other juvenile offenders once they became young adults. The authors found that the juveniles adjudicated for a sexual offense had a significantly higher rate of recidivism for sexual offenses as adults than did the comparison group, but rearrest rates for sexual offenses were low in both groups. The juvenile nonsexual offenders had higher rates of adult recidivism for all other types of offenses K1 Jugendliche Sexualstraftäter K1 Rückfall DO 10.1177/0093854898025001007