RT Article T1 Who is Most at Risk of Becoming a Convicted Rapist? The Likelihood of a Rape Conviction among the 1966 Birth Cohort in Denmark JF Journal of Scandinavian studies in criminology and crime prevention VO 6 IS 1 SP 39 OP 56 A1 Christoffersen, Mogens Nygaard A2 Soothill, Keith 1941- A2 Francis, Brian LA Undetermined YR 2005 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1640103597 K1 Vergewaltigung K1 Prävention K1 Kohortenstudie K1 Risikofaktoren K1 Längsschnittstudie K1 Psychiatrische Störung K1 Jugendliche K1 Arbeitslosigkeit DO 10.1080/14043850410000839