RT Article T1 Victim and offender viewed from the perspective of mediation JF Journal of Scandinavian studies in criminology and crime prevention VO 4 IS 1 SP 101 OP 122 A1 Rytterbro, Lise-Lotte LA English YR 2003 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1639635556 AB The objective of this article is to show how victims and perpetrators are constructed within the context of mediation, and how these constructions both affect and are affected by the crime policy discourse. Mediation involves victim and offender meeting and talking about the crime, and coming to an agreement as to how the offender is to make amends to the victim in some way. The data are comprised of written and oral descriptions of the target groups for mediation, and of quantitative data on the victims and perpetrators who usually comprise the parties in mediation cases in Sweden and Norway. The offenders regarded as suitable for, and who also tend to participate in mediation, comprise a category of individuals usually referred to as young firstýtime offenders. Thus, when offenders deemed suitable for mediation are described, they are primarily characterised by reference to their age, the seriousness of the offence and the number of offences committed. The crime victims deemed suitable for mediation are chosen on the basis of whom the offence was committed by, rather than by reference to the victim's age and/or how many time they have been exposed to crime: If the offence was committed by children or youths and was not of a type deemed too serious, then those victimised by the offence are regarded as suitable victims for mediation K1 Tätermerkmale K1 Mediation K1 Opfermerkmale K1 Norwegen K1 Schweden K1 Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich DO 10.1080/14043850310011207