RT Book T1 The Oxford handbook of prisons and imprisonment T2 The Oxford handbooks in criminology and criminal justice A2 Wooldredge, John A2 Smith, Paula LA English PP New York, NY PB Oxford University Press YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1635969123 AB The imprisonment boom of the late 20th century : past, present, and future / Mona Lynch and Anjuli Verma -- Who goes to prison? / Daniel P. Mears and Joshua C. Cochran -- Mass incarceration and conditions of confinement / Leo Carroll, Sharon Calci, and Amber Wilson -- Exploring imprisonment across cross-national contexts / Paul Mazerolle, John Rynne, and Samara McPhedran -- Theories of mass incarceration / Natasha A. Frost and Todd R. Clear -- Subcultural adaptations to incarceration / Ben Crewe and Ben Laws -- The real gangbanging is in prison / Scott H. Decker and David Pyrooz -- Women in prison / Emily M. Wright and Calli M. Cain -- Impact of incarceration on families and communities / Nancy Rodriguez and Jillian J. Turanovic -- The two cultures / Alison Liebling and Deborah Kant -- Measuring and explaining inmate misconduct / Benjamin Steiner -- Prison riots / Bert Useem -- Drugs and prisons / Michael Wheatley, John R. Weekes, Andrea E. Moser, and Kathleen Thibault -- A general model of harm in correctional settings / Nancy Wolff -- Understanding the contours of prison disciplinary procedures / James Marquart and Chad Trulson -- The effects of administrative segregation / Paul Gendreau and Ryan M. Labrecque -- A comparison of British and American policies for managing dangerous prisoners / Roy D. King -- Adult offender assessment and classification in custodial settings / James Bonta and J. S. Wormith -- Principles of effective intervention with incarcerated offenders / Claire Goggin -- Employment and vocation programs in prison / Paula Smith, Lindsey M. Mueller, and Ryan Labrecque -- Treating sex offenders in prison / Devon L. L. Polaschek and Kristina M. Blackwood -- The multiple faces of reentry / Susan Turner -- Implementing prison-based treatment / James McGuire -- Preventing suicide in detention and correctional facilities / Robert D. Canning and Joel A. Dvoskin -- Offenders with mental illness in prison / Sarah M. Manchak and Robert D. Morgan -- The problem of incarcerating juveniles with adults / Jodi Lane and Lonn Lanza-Kaduce -- The effect of prisons on crime / Sarah Tahamont and Aaron Chalfin -- Private prisons in a new environment / Scott D. Camp and Kevin N. Wright -- Policy and program innovations in prisons / Faye S. Taxman and Brandy Blasko -- Current policies, future directions, and the goals of confinement / John Wooldredge CN HV8491 SN 9780199948154 K1 Prisons K1 Imprisonment K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Strafvollzug : Freiheitsstrafe : Strafgefangener K1 Gefängnis : Freiheitsentziehung