RT Book T1 Crime victimization: a comprehensive overview A1 Quinn, Elizabeth A2 Brightman, Sara LA English PP Durham, North Carolina PB Carolina Academic Press YR 2018 ED Second edition UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1635196299 AB History and measurement of victimization -- Background -- Measurement of victimization -- Victimization: consequences, forms and underrepresented populations -- Victims and victimization- definitions and an overview -- Understanding victimization across the crime spectrum -- Vulnerable populations and interpersonal violence- children, adolescents, intimate -- White collar-crimes and workplace violence -- Hate crimes and cybercrime -- Victims' rights -- An overview of victims' rights -- Federal victims' rights legislation -- Working with victims and next steps -- Crime victims and the criminal justice system -- Working with victims- victim advocacy outside of the criminal justice system -- Burgeoning issues and the future -- References NO Revised edition of Crime victimization, [2015] NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6250.25 SN 9781611639001 K1 Victims of crimes K1 Viktimologie : Verbrechensopfer