RT Book T1 The gypsies of Hungary T2 Struggling for ethnic identity A1 Feher, Gyorgy 1964- A2 Cartner, Holly A2 Whitman, Lois LA English PP New York u.a. PB Human Rights Watch YR 1993 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1627562907 NO Based on a mission conducted by Gyorgy Feher, a consultant for Helsinki Watch, in January of 1993. The report was written by Mr. Feher and edited by Holly Cartner and Lois Whitman."--P. vi NO Includes bibliographical references CN JC599.H8 SN 1564321126 K1 Romanies : Civil rights : Hungary K1 Romanies : Hungary : Ethnic identity K1 Hungary : Ethnic relations