RT Book T1 The way of the strangers: encounters with the Islamic State A1 Wood, Graeme LA English PP Great Britain PB Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/162509311X AB The Way of the Strangers is an intimate journey into the minds of the Islamic State's true believers. From the streets of Cairo to the mosques of London, Wood interviews supporters, recruiters, and sympathizers of the group. Wood speaks with non-Islamic State Muslim scholars and jihadists, and explores the group's idiosyncratic, coherent approach to Islam. Through character study and analysis, Wood provides a clear-eyed look at a movement that has inspired so many people to abandon or uproot their families AB The Islamic State view of humanity -- A note on terminology -- Prologue -- The chosen sect -- Madness and methodology -- Musa cerantonio -- Yahya the American -- A dream deferred -- Dissent -- The war of the end of time -- Afterlife CN JC SN 9780241240113 SN 9780241299623 K1 IS (Organization) K1 Terrorism : Middle East K1 Terrorists : Iraq K1 Terrorists : Syria K1 Terrorism : Religious aspects : Islam K1 Dschihadismus K1 Militanz K1 Islam K1 Terrorist K1 Kalifat K1 Ideologie K1 Religion K1 Beispiel K1 Middle East : History : 21st century K1 Naher Osten K1 Mittlerer Osten K1 Nordafrika K1 Syrien K1 Irak K1 Islamischer Staat im Irak und in Syrien K1 Islamischer Staat