RT Book T1 Religious responses to violence: human rights in Latin America past and present T2 The Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies A2 Wilde, Alexander LA English PP Notre Dame,Indiana PB University of Notre Dame Press YR 2016 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1625088450 AB 1. The evolution of the theory and practice of rights in Latin American Catholicism / Daniel H. Levine --. - 2. Violence and everyday experience in early twentieth-first-century Latin America / Robert Albro --. - Part I. Rethinking religious contributions to human rights --. - 3. Human rights and Christian responsibility: transnational Christian activism, human rights, and state violence in Brazil and Chile in the 1970s / Patrick William Kelly --. - 4. Church responses to political violence in Central America: from liberation theology to human rights / Virginia Garrard-Burnett --. - 5. The institutional church and pastoral ministry: unity and conflict in the defense of human rights in Chile / Alexander Wilde --. - 6. Violent times: Catholicism and dictatorship in Argentina in the 1970s / María Soledad Catoggio --. - 7. Transformations in Catholicism under political violence: Córdoba, Argentina, 1960-1980 / Gustavo Morello --. - 8. Religion meets legal strategy: Catholic clerics, lawyers, and the defense of human rights in Brazil / Rafael Mafei Rabelo Queiroz --. - Part II. Contemporary ministries responding to violence --. - 9. Building peace and dignity: Jesuit engagement in Colombia's Magdalena Medio / Elyssa Pachico --. - 10. From preaching to listening: extractive industries, communities, and the church in rural Peru / Javier Arellano-Yanguas --. - 11. Violence and pastoral care in Putumayo, Colombia / Winifred Tate --. - 12. Violence, religion, and institutional legitimacy in northern Central America / Robert Brenneman --. - 13. The politics of presence: evangelical ministry in Brazilian prisons / Andrew Johnson --. - 14. "Fui migrante y me hospedaron": the Catholic Church's responses to violence against Central American migrants in Mexico / Amelia Frank-Vitale --. - 15. From guns to God: mobilizing evangelical Christianity in Urabá, Colombia / Kimberly Theidon SN 9780268044312 K1 Menschenrecht K1 Gewalttätigkeit K1 Autoritarismus K1 Schutz K1 Religion K1 Einflussgröße K1 Geistlicher K1 Politisches Verhalten K1 Sozialverhalten K1 Politik K1 Glaubensfreiheit K1 Religionsfreiheit K1 Lateinamerika : Menschenrechte : Gewalttätigkeit : Autoritäre Herrschaft : Menschenrechtsschutz : Religiöse Faktoren : Geistliche : Politisch-gesellschaftliches Verhalten : Wechselbeziehungen Religion und Politik : Glaubens- und Religionsfreiheit K1 Latin America : Human rights : Violence : Authoritarian rule : Protection of human rights : Religious factors : Clergymen : Socio-political behaviour : Interrelationship between religion and politics : Religious freedom K1 Länderbezogene Beiträge : Brasilien : Argentinien : Chile : Mexiko : Zentralamerika : Kolumbien : Peru K1 Country related contents : Brazil : Argentina : Mexico : Central America : Colombia K1 Lateinamerika K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Lateinamerika : Menschenrecht : Religionsfreiheit : Religionsausübung