RT Book T1 In search of safety: confronting inequality in women's imprisonment T2 Gender and justice JF Gender and justice A1 Owen, Barbara 1953- A2 Wells, James A2 Pollock, Joycelyn M. 1956- LA English PP Oakland, California PB University of California Press YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1624086403 AB Intersectional inequality and women's imprisonment -- Pathways and intersecting inequality -- Prison community, prison conditions, and gendered harm -- Searching for safety through prison capital -- Inequalities and contextual conflict -- Intersections of inequality with correctional staff -- Gendered human rights and the search for safety NO Includes bibliographical references (pages 227-246) and index CN HV9471 SN 9780520288713 SN 9780520288720 K1 Women Prisoners : Social conditions : United States K1 Prisons : Social aspects : United States K1 Women Prisoners : Violence against : United States K1 USA : Weibliche Gefangene : Soziale Situation : Ungleichheit K1 USA : Frauenstrafvollzug : Weibliche Gefangene : Soziale Situation : Ungleichheit