RT Book T1 Gender, violence and the state in Asia T2 Routledge research on gender in Asia series JF Routledge research on gender in Asia series A2 Barrow, Amy A2 Chia, Joy L. LA English PP London New York PB Routledge YR 2016 ED First published UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1620397153 AB Introduction : framing gender, violence and the state in Asia / Amy Barrow and Joy L. Chia -- Gender, violence and access to justice in international law / Christine Chinkin -- From transition to transformation in gender equality : lessons from Asia / Rita Shackel -- Women in post-war Sri Lanka : linking policy to reality / Shyamala Gomez -- Violnce, women and conflict in Nepal / Amrita Gurung and Lily Thapa -- Implementing security council resolution 1325 in Asia : the role of national action plans on women, peace and security / Amy Barrow -- Sexual assault under cover of national security laws in India / Surabhi Chopra -- Public interest litigation on violence against wome in Bangladesh : possibilities and limits / Sara Hossain -- Dispute resolution and access to justice in rural China : an analysis from a gender perspective / Huang Zhong -- Bringing intersectionality home : delivering contextualised justice in response to gender-based violence in Hong Kong / Puja Kapai -- State violence, human-rights violations and the case of apwint in Myanmar / Lynette J. Chua and David Gilbert -- Legislating inequalities : gender, sexuality and violence in China / Joy L. Chia -- PathFinders : supporting access to justice for pregnant migrant workers and their children in Hong Kong / Kay McArdle -- Women against women? Rural women leaders' role in addressing gender-based violence in China / Gao Wei -- Law, inequalities and diverse vulnerabilities : client-perpetrated violence against female sex workers in Hong Kong / Suanne Yuk-Ping Choi -- Conclusion / Amy Barrow and Joy L. Chia NO This book was conceived in the summer of 2013 during discussions and planning towards the Faculty of Law's Centre for Rights and Justice's international conference on Gender, Violence and the State in Asia which was held on 8--10 May 2014 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)--Acknowledgements NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN KM145.W64 SN 9781138101722 K1 Sex discrimination against women : Law and legislation : Asia K1 Sex discrimination : Law and legislation : Asia K1 Women : Violence against : Asia K1 Women : Crimes against : Asia K1 Violence : Government policy : Asia K1 Gewalt gegen Frauen K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Asien : Frau : Diskriminierung : Gewaltkriminalität : Verbrechensopfer